Figures - overview - Chapter 4

(image on first page of Chapt. 4)
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Figure 4.1: A typical stream line (a)  and stream surface (b)  calculated for a dynamical system exhibiting mixed-mode oscillations.
Figure 4.2: Visualization of a dynamical system by using stream arrows [1].
Figure 4.3: Stream arrows for mixed-mode oscillations.
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Figure 4.4: Varying the shape of the stream arrows texture. [left image] [right image]
Figure 4.5: Mapping the stream arrows texture to a stream surface.
Figure 4.6: Using semi-transparency either for the arrows or the remaining stream surface portions.
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Figure 4.7: Hierarchical stream arrows, two examples. [left image] [right image]
Figure 4.8: Hierarchical stream arrows texture, i.e., a stack of stream arrows textures - specification parameters.
Figure 4.9: Activating and locking tiles, example with two triangles.
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Figure 4.10: spot (enlarged) and the resulting spot noise texture.
Figure 4.11: Stream surface with anisotropic spot noise texture.
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Figure 4.12: Two snapshots from an animation sequence - the first from the beginning and the second from the end of the animation sequence.
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Figure 4.13: (a) Stream arrows shifted out of the stream surface plus anisotropic spot-noise.  (b) Stream arrows outlines represented as 3D tubes and color coding of velocity magnitude.
Figure 4.14: Misleading shifted stream arrows (bright: integrated stream arrow).