Entries by zsolnai

Christmas Greeting Cards

730 Christmas greeting cards to be sent out soon to the friends of our Institute. There was lots of signing to be done – such a cool tradition!

Multiple-Scattering Microfacet BSDFs with the Smith Model

Eric Heitz and his colleagues published one hell of a paper on rendering microfacet materials. It has lots of beautifully written mathematics, and is really well illustrated, evaluated, and the full source code is also published. Now it comes with a narrated supplementary video. The paper is available here (or click the image below), check it out! Status: accepted to […]

Upcoming Two Minute Papers videos

Dear Fellow Scholars, Two Minute Papers is continuing, but to save some space, the updates won’t be shown here as blog posts. Always check here to see if a newer episode pops up or subscribe and/or follow me on twitter / facebook to get notified when a new episode comes out.

Shower Thoughts

The number of people who use the term ‘increasing exponentially’ without knowing what it means is increasing exponentially.